Meet our scientists | Dr Megan Davey
Watch Dr Megan Davey talk about how embryos grow – Why we have five fingers, recreating 250 million years of evolution, Sonic the Hedgehog and the wish of being a fiction writer.
Watch Dr Megan Davey talk about how embryos grow – Why we have five fingers, recreating 250 million years of evolution, Sonic the Hedgehog and the wish of being a fiction writer.
Watch Megan Davey explain her work with chicken embryos. Megan is a developmental biologist, which means understanding how we grow from a single fertilised cell into a walking talking, digesting, thinking human with trillions of cells all doing specialised functions. To study this Megan uses chicken embryos- but what does studying a chicken tell me about humans? And where do dinosaurs come into the story?
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