Working with Linux

Working with Linux

Michael Rimmer, a student on the Computing in the Classroom course, developed these materials which introduce college-level learners to Linux. Terminal - Navigating File System Terminal - Manipulating Files

Cryptography – a brief history

Cryptography – a brief history

This lesson, created by Computing in the Classroom student Stirling McGee, teaches early secondary school learners about cryptography using historical examples. Cryptography Presentation

Meet our scientists | Dr Rob Ogden

Meet our scientists | Dr Rob Ogden

Watch Dr Rob Ogden talk about conservation genetics - How genetic research helps wildlife conservation, the importance of involving communities and his dream of being a football player.

Meet our scientists | Dr Megan Davey

Meet our scientists | Dr Megan Davey

Watch Dr Megan Davey talk about how embryos grow - Why we have five fingers, recreating 250 million years of evolution, Sonic the Hedgehog and the wish of being a fiction writer.

Meet our scientists | Dr Vickey MacRae

Meet our scientists | Dr Vickey MacRae

Watch Dr Vickey MacRae talk about bone formation and calcified arteries - Similarities and differences of bone formation and calcified arteries, and the importance of a happy work environment.

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