Have Fun with Maths
This is a collection of resources for P5-S3 students, aimed at developing problem solving and mathematical thinking. The resources focus on strategy...
Edinburgh Maths Circle
The Edinburgh Maths Circle is an opportunity for children aged 5 to 16 and their families to join us for an afternoon of fun and stimulating hands-on mathematics. This post gives you instructions to sign up to the mailing list to be notified of future events.
The April Maths Circle has been cancelled due to the current situation.
If you would like to be notified of future Maths Circle events, you can subscribe to the Maths Circle mailing list. To do that, please send an email to with no subject, and text:
SUBSCRIBE edinburgh-maths-circle Name Surname QUIT
You will then receive an automatic email, asking you to confirm your subscription.
If you need any further information, please contact Francesca Iezzi by phone (0131 650 5842) or email (
Number Recognition Snap!
A simple “Snap” card game suitable for young children (early or 1st level), but also suitable for older pupils who are still practicing counting and recognising numbers from 0 to 10
Maths Trail: The Meadows
This resource is a maths trail suitable for an older Primary or younger Secondary school pupil, suggesting mathematical questions that they could think about during a (socially distanced!) walk around The Meadows in central Edinburgh.
‘Healthy Mathematical Snacks’ videos from the Association of Teachers of Maths
The ‘mathematical snacks’ are tasks, puzzles, challenges, and games produced by the Association of Teachers of Maths to support children who are currently home learning, to support and enrich the mathematics taught at school. Many can be accessed by very young children, with a little bit of adult support, and all of them are relevant to pupils across the whole school age-range.
Recurring Decimals Investigation
An investigation for pupils into recurring decimals. Suitable for able P6/P7 pupils or S1-S4 pupils. Pupils require knowledge of how to convert a fraction to a decimal, but the rest of the worksheet is designed for them to work it out as they go along.
The Mathematics of Virus Modelling
A topical PowerPoint lesson resource focussed on some of the mathematics involved in the current Covid19 pandemic. The resource covers the topics of indices (powers), sequences of numbers and data representation (graphs). The topics covered go up to Higher/Advanced Higher maths level, but this resource would be suitable for able S3/S4 pupils because the more advanced concepts are presented in an accessible way. The resource is aimed at teachers but could also be used by learners for home learning.
Indoor Maths Trail
An ‘indoor maths trail’ suitable for pupils in early secondary school and older Primary school pupils to do in their homes: first using maths skills to create a map of the house, and then creating a ‘maths trail’ of activities using everyday household objects. This task would be suitable for siblings from the same family to work on as a group task in the home.
Worksheets on Number Topics
A set of three resources for teachers for fractions/decimals and subtracting integers suitable for pupils working at 2nd or 3rd level.
Units of Measure Worksheet
This resource is a worksheet covering the topic of converting units of measure, using a diagram with ‘jumps’ to help structure learners’ thinking to help them convert (for example) hours to seconds.
The Solar Spark
On this website you’ll find loads of information on solar energy. You can find out how the sun’s energy is already being used, what scientists are doing to make solar power better, and even do some experiments yourself! This resource is for teachers, learners, parents and carers to use in Sciences / Numeracy / Technologies for First: P2-P4 (5-9 years old) Second: P5-P7 (8-12 years old)Third/Fourth: S1-S3 (11-15 years old)
Senior Phase: S4-S6 (14-18 years old)
Quadratic Equations (National 5 Maths)
This is a set of worksheets and resources about quadratic equations which will be suitable for pupils who are either currently doing National 5 maths, or who are about to begin Higher maths and want to revise the topic of quadratic equations.