Watch Dr Rob Ogden talk about conservation genetics - How genetic research helps wildlife conservation, the importance of involving communities and his dream of being a football player.
Meet our scientists | Dr Megan Davey
Watch Dr Megan Davey talk about how embryos grow - Why we have five fingers, recreating 250 million years of evolution, Sonic the Hedgehog and the wish of being a fiction writer.
Meet our scientists | Dr Mark Barnett
Watch Dr Mark Barnett talk about the genetics of bees - The creation of the campus apiary and how whole genome sequencing, bioinformatics and breeding could help honey bee health.
Meet our scientists | Dr Gerry McLachlan
Watch Dr Gerry McLachlan talk about Cystic Fibrosis - Gene therapy treatments for cystic fibrosis in humans, the challenge of engaging the public and his dream of being Kenny Dalglish.
Meet our scientists | Dr Vickey MacRae
Watch Dr Vickey MacRae talk about bone formation and calcified arteries - Similarities and differences of bone formation and calcified arteries, and the importance of a happy work environment.
Science Talks | Sarah Fletcher – Using genome editors to produce disease-resistant pigs
Watch Sarah Fletcher talking about how we use genome editors at The Roslin Institute to attempt to generate resistance to disease in pigs. Sarah explains: "I'll not be going into huge detail about how genome editors work but will focus the introduction more about why...
Science Talks | Remi Gratacap – Understanding genetics to breed more disease resistant animals
Aquaculture production needs to increase by 40 percent by 2030 to meet global demands for fish. In this video, Remi Gratacap will focus on how he uses fish genetics to reduce the impact of disease in fish farms. He will touch on the genetics he uses in his research...
Science Talks | Megan Davey – The day in the life of a scientist – chicken finger, dinosaur toes
Watch Megan Davey explain her work with chicken embryos. Megan is a developmental biologist, which means understanding how we grow from a single fertilised cell into a walking talking, digesting, thinking human with trillions of cells all doing specialised functions....
Science @Home | Marvellous Mixtures
Use this Science @Home investigation to explore the question "Can I separate my leafy mixture?". Download the workbook, follow the instructions and build confidence in using the scientific method. Don't forget to collect a certificate! Created by the Easter Bush...
Science @Home | The Big Balloon Blow Up
Use this Science @Home investigation to explore the question "Do yeast need sugar to grow?". Download the workbook, follow the instructions and build confidence in using the scientific method. Don't forget to collect a certificate! This resource was developed by the...
Lab Techniques in Action ¦PCR
This video, created by the Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre, has been designed to support Higher Biology and Higher Human Biology learners to develop their knowledge and understanding of PCR.