by David Watkins, Maths Editor | Jun 16, 2020 | 1st level, Broad General Education, Early level (P1 and younger), Mathematics, Number Skills
Author: David Watkins, Maths teacher, Moray House School of Education and Sport
This resource is a file to be printed and cut up into cards (paper is fine). It works just the same as a ‘normal’ game of snap: cards contain either a numeral (e.g. ‘3’ or ‘1’) or dots (e.g. ••• represents 3). If the two cards ‘match’ (either the same numeral, the same dots, or the number of dots matching the numeral), the quickest person to say SNAP ‘wins’ the pile of cards. First person to get all the cards wins the game.
The aim of this activity is to get children quick at being able to count dots and work out how many there are (this is called ‘subitising’ and to recognise the numerals. This is a fun way to help children get quicker at counting and recognising small numbers.
Instructions to prepare the resource:
- Print out the file
- For children who are just learning the numbers 1 to 5: only print out the LAST page in the file, but print it 3 times.
- For children who are able to work with the numbers 1 to 10: print all four pages.
- Cut out the cards
Download the file here: NumberRecognitionSnap.pdf
by David Watkins, Maths Editor | Jun 10, 2020 | 2nd level, 3rd level, Mathematics, Maths in the Real World
Author: Chris Royle, Maths teacher, Moray House School of Education and Sport
This resource is a maths trail suitable for an older Primary or younger Secondary school pupil, suggesting mathematical questions that they could think about during a (socially distanced!) walk around The Meadows in central Edinburgh.
Download the trail here: Maths Trail – Meadows
by David Watkins, Maths Editor | Jun 5, 2020 | 1st level, 2nd level, 3rd level, Mathematics
Authors: Geoff Faux, Pip Huyton, Peter Lacey, Mike Ollerton, Colin Taylor, Helen Williams, from the Association of Teachers of Maths
Access the resource at this link:
The ‘mathematical snacks’ are tasks, puzzles, challenges, and games produced by the Association of Teachers of Maths to support children who are currently home learning, to support and enrich the mathematics taught at school. Many can be accessed by very young children, with a little bit of adult support, and all of them are relevant to pupils across the whole school age-range.
There is hardly ever a single right answer and there are many ways of working on these tasks. They are designed to be enticing and focus on working in ways that mathematicians do; such as exploring situations, looking for patterns and rules, asking questions and seeking answers, and, trying out and testing ideas.
The resource can be accessed via the link above.
by David Watkins, Maths Editor | Jun 5, 2020 | 3rd level, 4th Level, Being Mathematical, Mathematics, Number Skills
Author: David Watkins, Maths Teacher/Associate Tutor, Moray House School of Education and Sport.
This resource is an investigation for pupils into recurring decimals. Suitable for able P6/P7 pupils or S1-S4 pupils. Pupils require prior knowledge of how to convert a fraction to a decimal (by dividing the numerator by the denominator), but the rest of the worksheet is designed for them to work it out as they go along. Pupils will also need to understand the use of recurring decimal notation (for instance knowing that 0.4444444….. can be written as 0.4 with a ‘dot’ above the ‘4’: this is also explained in the image on the right).
Pupils will need access to a calculator to complete this task
The Resource:
by David Watkins, Maths Editor | Jun 5, 2020 | 4th Level, Data Literacy, Higher, Mathematics, Maths in the Real World, National 3 and National 4, National 5, Number Skills
Author: Ann Duncan, Maths teacher, Moray House School of Education and Sport
This is a topical PowerPoint lesson resource focussed on some of the mathematics involved in the current Covid19 pandemic. The resource is aimed at teachers but could also be used by learners for home learning.
The resource covers the topics of indices (powers), arithmetic/geometric series and data representation (graphs). The topics covered go up to Higher/Advanced Higher maths level, but this resource would be suitable for able S3/S4 pupils because the more advanced concepts are presented in an accessible way. It could be a fun and topical way to give students a chance for success at topics that they wouldn’t normally see until much more advanced levels.
The Resource
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